Selection Region to Write

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Selection Region to Write


Once you have created your spreadsheet and the required lines have been captured, you should then select the region to import. This region MUST include the column headers and all the data budget rows that you require writing to Pastel.




Once you have Selected the required data and column headers press the [Update Budgets] uploadbudget button to display the import screen.




The grid will be loaded with the data that you wish to load, along with the budgets that you are writing back.


Select Pastel data to upload write budgets to: Enter or select the Pastel data that you are writing the budgets back to. The system will retain this company directory for later use.


Once you have selected the data, press the [Update Budget] button to start the write-back process. The system will first validate the account numbers entered and ensure that you have not specified any main accounts. If any accounts are incorrect then you will be informed and the update will be stopped.


If all accounts are valid then the selected budgets will be updated.


Create as Import file: If you just wish to create an external file that can be used to import a budget set at a later stage then press this button. As Pastel only imports one budget set at a time, you will be given the chance to select which budget set you wish to update as well as a filename to create.


NB: If you do not specify a period in your selection range then the import period will be set to a zero value.


Please also not that Pastel does not have ability to import last year budgets