Inventory Functions

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Inventory Functions

Functions used to return inventory values and details


ICStore( Company, Store, FieldToReturn )

Will return master field information for the given store


ICGrp( Company, InventoryGroup, FieldToReturn )

Will return master field information for the given inventory group


ICItem( Company, ItemCode, Store, FieldToReturn )

Will return master field information for the given inventory item and store (if applicable)


ICOpening( Company, ItemCode, Store )

Returns the opening stock at the start of last year


ICLastYear( Company, ItemCode, Store )

Returns closing stock at end of last year


ICPurchase( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period)

Qty Purchases for given period


ICSale( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period )

Qty Sales for given period


ICAdjust( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period )

Qty adjustments for given period


ICStock( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period )

Actual Stock level for given period (excluding unposted)


ICCost( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period )

Average cost at given period


ICUnposted( Company, ItemCode, Store, ValueToReturn )

Unposted values for item, Sales, Purchases and Batch Qty


ICValue( Company, ItemCode, Store, Period )

Inventory Sales value (monetary) for given period


ICCatCost(Company, Category, Store, Period)

Total stock cost by Category for a given period