Installing PaXcel

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Installing PaXcel


Download the latest version using the following and selecting the version that matches your Pastel Partner Accounting / Xpress version. Download the install file to a location you will remember, if use a download manager to locate the downloaded folder.


The install is a standard Windows install follow the instructions, we recommend that you close Microsoft Excel before installing PaXcel:


Welcome page - confirm that this is the correct and press the Next button to continue on to the next screen



License Agreement - A standard PDi Spirit license agreement will be displayed. Check the 'I accept the terms of the License Agreement' to activate the Next button and continue to the next screen.



Chose Install Location - The default destination folder will be displayed, if you wish to install to a different location and enter or use the browse button to select the location. Press the Install button to start the installation process. Once the
process has finished, you will be informed and can then start Microsoft Excel to access the PaXcel features.
